Welcome to wmWebStack

wmWebStack is a free and installable software package that provides an all-in-one solution for web development on Windows. It includes an intuitive graphical interface that allows you to manage all essential web development tools and utilities with ease. Ideal for developers, testers, and anyone in need of an installable and easy-to-use server solution, wmWebStack offers a robust set of features without the complexity.

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wmWebStack - a lightweight server stack for localhost with Apache, PHP and MySQL



  1. Download the latest installer from GitHub Releases.
  2. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. After installation, a shortcut to wmWebStack will appear on your desktop.

How to Use

  1. Launch wmWebStack using the desktop shortcut.
  2. Use the GUI to start and stop services like Apache, PHP, MySQL, and perform other tasks.
  3. Access configuration files, server status, and more through the available shortcuts.
  4. Use the built-in options to publish your local site via Serveo.net, or run an antivirus scan with a click.


About the Developer

Selvakumaran Krishnan is a Software Developer and Computer Programmer. With extensive experience in web technologies, Selvakumaran created wmWebStack to streamline web development on Windows by combining all necessary tools in one easy-to-use package. Connect with him on LinkedIn.


wmWebStack is freeware. You are free to use and distribute the software, but the source code is not available for modification or redistribution. For more details, refer to the EULA.


For any inquiries or support, please reach out via email or visit our Support Page.

Latest Blog Posts

Introducing wmWebStack: The Ultimate Installable Local Server Stack for Windows

Discover wmWebStack, an installable local server stack for Windows that simplifies web development with Apache, PHP, and MySQL.

Published on August 27, 2024