Getting Started with wmWebStack

Welcome to wmWebStack! This guide will help you get up and running with your new web development toolkit.


  1. Download the Installer
    • Go to the Releases page and download the latest wmWebStackInstaller.exe.
  2. Run the Installer
    • Double-click the downloaded installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install wmWebStack on your system.
  3. Setup
    • After installation, a shortcut to wmWebStack will appear on your desktop.

Initial Setup

  1. Launch the Application
    • Click on the desktop shortcut to open wmWebStack.
  2. Configure Services
    • Use the control panel to start or stop Apache, PHP, MySQL, and other services as needed.
  3. Access Configuration Files
    • You can easily open and edit configuration files through the application’s interface.

First Steps

  1. Check PHP Info
    • Use the “PHP Info” button in the GUI to view detailed information about your PHP configuration.
  2. Run Antivirus Scan
    • Click on the antivirus button to perform a ClamAV scan.
  3. Publish Your Site
    • Use the integration to publish your local development site online.

For further assistance, visit our Support Page.